The Need for Counseling in a Fast-Changing World

As our life becomes busier and busier, the need for counseling increases. We may be getting more connected with the world with the advent of various forms of communication, but deep inside we are getting lonelier. We put on our happy faces for the world and carry on the façade of having a great life, but the truth is, today, most of us are suffering from a lot of problems. These problems have a mental and psychological impact on us. With the increase in awareness about mental health issues, the demand for counseling has increased manifold. As people start realizing the fact that it is okay to talk about their pains and problems, the stigma around visiting a psychologist (psühholoog) is on the decline.

While a lot of celebrities, who are rich, powerful and influential, have opened up about depression and their experience with counselors, the common man is yet to embrace the need for mental wellness. The positive thing here is that now people have started to talk about their psychological issues and moreover the general reaction they receive is not one that pushes them away, but that of concern and acceptance. On one hand, we have seen that people have started opening up to clinical counselors and on the other hand we can also see an emerging need for counselors who understand the medical as well as the psychological aspect of counseling. In a world where people cannot stop judging others on the basis of societal standards, there are very few people who can genuinely understand and help other people. If you are looking for a psychologist in Tallinn (psühholoog Tallinnas) for yourself or someone you know, you can get in touch with Maria Kanter at Heaolu. She is a qualified psychologist with 10 years of experience and areas like human well being and mental health are close to her heart.

With a vast expanse of educational experience, training and willingness towards helping individuals, whether they are kids, adolescents or adults, Maria helps reduce some clouds of darkness with Heaolu. Here, you can get services that range from child psychology counseling, cognitive-behavior therapy, art therapy and self-esteem training to mindfulness training and crisis or trauma counseling too.

About Heaolu:

Heaolu is a leading counseling center where Maria Kanter a reputed psychologist Tallinn (psühholoog Tallinn) offers her services to people of all age groups, suffering from any kind of mental or psychological issues.

To know more, visit


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