
Showing posts from 2019

How Can Crisis Counseling Help?

Life is just 10 percent of what happens to us and the rest 90 percent is how we deal with it. The same is with crisis. It is just 10 percent of what happens and the rest is how we react to it. And now with medical advancement, we are able to help people get over crisis with counseling. Crisis counseling includes two things. First, helping people understand that the crisis can be overcome and then helping them react to it in a better way. Getting the advice of crisis ( kriisinõustamine ) from a counselor can help you in more ways than one. The most direct benefit is that the person who is suffering doesn’t feel all alone in the struggle and secondly, they get validation for their reactions and a better way to cope with the crisis.  If you or someone close to you is suffering from any kind of mental health issue, even if it isn’t exactly crisis counseling that you are looking for, you should visit a psychologist. Today, we live in a world where we have starte...

Heaolu: Tallinn’s Leading Psychotherapy Wellness Center

Many times, people hide their emotions and tend to suffer from internal conflicts which greatly affect their relationships, self-esteem and most importantly, their outlook towards life. These internal conflicts rob them of simple pleasures of life and hence, push them towards a vicious cycle of negative thoughts. If there is something that is troubling you or if you want to talk to someone about your insecurities and inhibitions, you are recommended to visit expert psychologists at Heaolu. It is a Tallinn-based eminent psychotherapy wellness center that offers evidence-based and professional psychotherapy treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy ( kognitiiv käitumisteraapia ) , art therapy and more, to people of all age groups. The purpose of the development of this psychotherapy center was to help improve the mental health of all those people who are dealing with depression, social anxiety, and other psychological problems. With their healthy interactive sessions and effective p...

Visit a Counselor Today for Better Mental Health

Today, we live in a very pretentious world. No matter how unhappy or lonely we actually are, the only thing that bothers us is how we are presenting ourselves on social media sites. Our insecurities are such that we don’t even think about expressing our concerns to even the people closest to us. The world is getting more connected but we are disconnecting from ourselves. Talking about mental health and related issues is still considered taboo and the fear of being labeled ‘not cool’ stops us from talking about our pains and problems If you are also dealing with depression, anxiety or just want to talk to someone about things that are bothering you, then you should not hesitate in visiting a psychologist. With therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy ( kognitiiv käitumisteraapia ) or art therapy, a psychologist can help you find an outlet for your emotions and ease anxiety. When you speak about your problems with the therapist it helps you face reality in a better way. If we talk s...

The Need for Counseling in a Fast-Changing World

As our life becomes busier and busier, the need for counseling increases. We may be getting more connected with the world with the advent of various forms of communication, but deep inside we are getting lonelier. We put on our happy faces for the world and carry on the façade of having a great life, but the truth is, today, most of us are suffering from a lot of problems. These problems have a mental and psychological impact on us. With the increase in awareness about mental health issues, the demand for counseling has increased manifold. As people start realizing the fact that it is okay to talk about their pains and problems, the stigma around visiting a psychologist ( psühholoog ) is on the decline. While a lot of celebrities, who are rich, powerful and influential, have opened up about depression and their experience with counselors, the common man is yet to embrace the need for mental wellness. The positive thing here is that now people have started to talk about thei...