
Showing posts from May, 2020

Heaolu: Offering Evidence-based Psychotherapy Treatment and Workshops to Tackle Mental Health

Human life is completely unpredictable, and you may encounter a difficult or traumatic situation at any point in your life. Such trauma can be a grave accident, sexual harassment, or any serious event that affects the physical existence, basic needs, social security, and identity of a person. In times like these, it is imperative for the person suffering to opt for crisis counselling ( kriisinõustamine ). Though in situations like these, people do not want to talk but talking is the only effective solution. In crisis counselling, person suffering will get an opportunity to talk about what happened, what will be its effect on their life. This will provide a safe space to process their emotions freely and give them a changed perspective. So, if you or someone you know need such counselling, you may want to get in touch with Heaolu. Heaolu is one of the leading psychotherapy treatment clinic that offers professional, certified, and evidence-based counselling and therapy...

Step Towards Happiness with the Help of a Trusted Counselor

In this world of the Internet, everyone is just concerned about one thing i.e. “what others are thinking about them”. Hence, most of the things that people do are controlled by others. That’s why whenever you will scroll through social media sites you will see several happy faces on your feed. But in reality, you don't know who is feeling lonely on the inside. So, if you also put on your happy face no matter what you are going through, then stop because it's okay to talk about your feelings. It's okay to talk to someone if you are not feeling good. It's okay to express if something is bothering you. If you can relate to any of these feelings, you are advised to book an appointment with a trusted and certified counselor to get cognitive behavioral therapy ( kognitiiv käitumisteraapia ). If you want to feel happy, you should take a step forward and go to a counselor because there is nothing wrong in asking for help. There are so many people in the world...