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Do you remember when was the last time you discussed freely about your feelings with someone? Do you remember when was the last that you felt happy from within and not just smiled for social media posts? The world where we live is only bothered about how we are presenting ourselves on social media sites. Even though we don’t have enough friends to talk, we want to have large social media followers because that’s what makes us cool, right? But, the number of people who follow us or the number of likes that our posts get is not the scale to measure how happy we actually are. And since we are busy presenting our happiest face in front of the world, we fail to understand that it’s okay to ask for help. If you are also feeling lonely from inside, you can visit a physiologist for cognitive behavioral therapy ( kognitiiv käitumisteraapia ) . Speaking about your mental health shows that you are stronger and a step ahead of all those people who are still trying to hide how lonely the...